The First Line | 30 Seconds to the Sea

Montenegro Budvanian Riviera


Digital Nomad Law in Montenegro

Parliament of Montenegro adopted by majority vote digital nomad law

About Digital Nomad in Montenegro

A digital nomad is a foreigner who provides his services electronically for a foreign company not registered in Montenegro. Such an employee or individual entrepreneur can enter Montenegro on the basis of a D visa, and then apply for a temporary residence permit for up to two years.

circulation of cryptocurrencies is simplifie in Montenegro

Montenegro and IT

Montenegro has long been actively attracting IT workers for relocation and permanent residence.
Recently, revenues from this area are beginning to grow rapidly.
Large IT companies consider Montenegro as a convenient and comfortable place to relocate their employees (GOOGLE, EPAM examples)

In addition, laws are being developed in the country and the circulation of cryptocurrencies is simplified.

Investing in Sunraf - reliable profitability with minimal risk.

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The management company takes care of your property. If you wish, we will undertake to rent out your apartment while you are away, so you can earn additional income.

Renting your apartment out can provide you with a stable income of 4-6% per year, let alone the increase in the value of the property itself.

70% for the owner
30% for the management company

What Sunraf offers:

- Seaside apartments, which is always in price,

- Prices from the developer without paying 3% tax on secondary housing

- Real estate maintenance and leasing. (Program SUNRAF 70/30)

IT and Digital
special offer

Or you can call us yourself:
+382 69 059 049
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