The First Line | 30 Seconds to the Sea

Montenegro Budvanian Riviera

Frequently Asked Questions about Living in a Sea Front Complex

Choose your preferred language

Contacts, working hours:

  • The working hours of the reception staff are from 9:00 to 21:00, the rest of the time there is a security officer at the reception
  • Reception phone number is +382 67 148 889; WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram are all registered on this number. You can call or text us, we will answer you right away
  • E-mail -
  • Our website -
  • Access to the WiFi network: name – SunrafWFI, password – sunrafwifi
  • The auto lift also has an open WiFi

Useful contacts for tourists in Montenegro:

  • International emergency telephone number - 112
  • Police – 122
  • Fire service – 123
  • Ambulance – 124
  • Roadside assistance (available 24 hours) – 19807
  • Roadside assistance – 1340
  • EUROHELP (road assistance) – 1281
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro – 19819
  • Complaints against the actions of police officers - 19821 (internal security service)
  • Montenegro hotline – 1300 (24-hour tourist service – obtaining information, complaints and reviews)